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Dickinson College Farm


Dickinson College currently farms 50 plus acres of land in Boilng Springs, PA. The Farm is Certified Organic and has active produce and livestock operations. The farm sells its meat and produce to Dickinson's Dining Services department, through a CSA share, and at weekly farm stands. Spending one year volunteering and two and a half years working at the Dickinson College Farm introduced me to a variety of facets of the food system. Planting seeds, weeding crops, tending livestock, harvesting, selling produce, and engaging with food waste helped highlight the complexity of food prodution (and food waste). Serving as a student-farmer helped me to develop my passion for sustainable food systems.


Students Interested in Sustainable Agriculture (SISA)
I served as a member and officer throughout my entire time at Dickinson. As a part of SISA I organized an annual Harvest Fest at the College Farm, an annual Local Food Dinner for 250 community members, volunteering opportunities at local farms and the local farmers' market, field trips to local farms, and other related projects.


Dickinson College Admissions


During my time at Dickinson I volunteered with the Admissions Office in a number of different capacities; I volunteered at open houses, took prospective students to lunch, served as a tour-guide, served as a student interviewer, and served on a number of panels for Admissions' events.

Center for Sustainabile Living


I spent four semesters living in the Center for Sustainable Living, otherwise known as "The Treehouse." The Treehouse is a sepcial-interest house at Dickinson which houses 14 students who are interested in living sustainabily and educating the community on small-scale sustainable practices. The Treehouse was the frist LEED Gold Certified residence hall in Pennsylvania. Within the house the members foster a community that is intersted in all facets of sustainability. The Treehouse is also a space for those not living there. Each semester the house hosts open mic nights, soup and bread nights (where a professor speaks about his/her work with sustainability over dinner), and a benefit concert. While living in the Treehouse I served as the Soup and Bread Coordinator, the Community Outreach Coordinator, and the Historian.

campus involvement

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