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sustainability reflection -

Throughout the course of the semester, and in my studies in general, I have used the term "sustainability" thousands of times, but had yet to clearly define how my experiences and education have helped me formulate a definition. Through reflecting on my time at Dickinson and current interests I have definied what I view sustainability to be. This definition is personal to me, and has the potential to change over time. 



grant proposal - 

One of this semester's assignments was to write a grant proposal for the project or program of our choice. This proposal outlines a farm-to-senior pilot program at a senior center in Boston, Massachusetts.



Baird Honors Colloquium

12 seniors representing diverse disciplines of study were chosen for this colloquium. Throughout the semester members particpated in workshops on conflict resolution, grant writing, meeting facilitation, community-building, and branding. Students also led sessions on specific sustainability topics - environmental education, health and the environment, international development, and sustainable development and climate change. This colloquium served as a capstone experience for students actively engaged in social, environmental, and cultural sustainability throughout their time at Dickinson.


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